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آثار الصراع المسلح في السودان وانعكاساته على ليبيا

About us
Libyan Research and Studies Center
The center was established on July 1, 2018, to be an independent center for research and studies in the social and human sciences. It consists of a group of departments and units, organized by its general structure, which constitute its means and tool in the success of its programs and activities, and supervising them, which were determined within an integrated vision, noble goals, and a lofty message, the goal of which is to build the human being in Libya culturally, psychologically, and socially.
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The most important goals of the centre
The Libyan Center for Research and Studies aims at the spirit of organized teamwork, governed by international standards and high transparency, and seeks to achieve a number of goals, the most important of which are:
إصدارات المركز
The most important publications of the Libyan Center for Research and Studies
You can view all the center's publications by visiting the link below.
Historian Ammar Muhammad Jahidir, Research Experience, Memorial Book, Proceedings of the Second Honorary Symposium held in Tripoli, Libya, on July 17, 2019, compiled, annotated and edited by: Mahmoud Al-Mahdi Al-Ghatmi, Jamal Ahmida Duwish, 1st ed., 2024, (358 pages).

Dr. Muhammad Jibran, writer and historian, proceedings of the first honorary symposium held on June 2, 2018, Tripoli, 1st edition, 2020, (548 pages).
Libyans and World War I, Proceedings of the Fifth Scientific Symposium on the Occasion of the Centenary of the War, held in Tripoli, Libya, October 22-23, 2018, 1st ed., 2020, (528 pages).

Geopolitical Determinants in Libyan Foreign Policy, Proceedings of the First Conference on Strategic Studies held in Tripoli, Libya, on March 12-13, 2019, 1st ed., 2021, (592 pages).
Libyans and World War I, Proceedings of the Fifth Scientific Symposium on the Occasion of the Centenary of the War, held in Tripoli, Libya, October 22-23, 2018, 1st ed., 2020, (528 pages).

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